And ended at the WCFs?!?!
Never in a million years did I EVER think tweeting CJ last summer would end with a guest appearance on ESPN, actually meeting CJ, while watching my beloved Warriors in ORACLE! (Might I mention it’s the last season in Oracle). I could not have dreamt a better dream than this.
Within 24 hours of being asked to appear on ESPN, I was literally on a plane heading to Oakland. I’m still in shock how whirlwind this experience was and it most definitely was an experience!
The Arrival
This was the moment of firsts...
-First time in Northern Cali
-First time at NBA playoff game
-First time seeing NBA Players up close
-First time on live TV!?!
I don’t know if anyone else can imagine how nervous I was riding over to the stadium. Listen Linda, I’m just a regular working woman who does not do nationally televised interviews ok? Lol. I had no idea what was going to happen or how any this was going to go down.
I arrived to Oracle but immediately had to go in the trailer for makeup. I was not expecting to walk in and see Jalen Rose, Chauncey Billups, Paul Pierce and Michelle Beadle!
I tried not to be ⭐️ struck but it was too late and obvious when I shook Jalen and Chauncey‘s hand (Hahaha)! I tried to act cool in the make up chair but all I could do was be a fan.
Oracle, I'm here...

I finally walked in the arena, nervous as heck, both teams were doing warmups and I was literally stuck in awe. My nervousness started to wear down when I got introduced to the ESPN crew. Let me just say. Rachel Nichols and Richard Jefferson were so cool, so calming I felt part of the team for a few moments. I just couldn’t believe all this was happening. Still can’t!
Before it was time for me to sit with them, I walked around in big time fan status taking videos and pics because I may never be this close again....seriously.
The Interview....and The Meet
It was finally time to sit down with The Jump crew. The butterflies in my stomach were on overload. I mean seriously, who can think straight when you're about to be interviewed for trolling a player that's LITERALLY feet behind you!
Rachel and Richard did a great job on the interview but just as Rachel was leading me into discussing why I tweeted CJ that infamous day....Lo and Behold this happens!
Credit: ESPN
The Game
After all of this excitement, I was in a world of my own just soaking in the greatness (and humbleness) of the moment.
Game 2 of the Western Conference Finals
In Oracle
I honestly couldn't get over that and my adrenaline was running strong until I landed back home in Chicago yesterday (Ha)!
Little ol' Jenni got to sit in the press box! I'm pinching myself the entire time. This can't be real.

The game was definitely not a blowout this time. I got extremely nervous when the Blazers took a 15 point lead going into the half (led by CJ of course) I immediately thought if we lose, Warriors fans will hate me!
During the game, a Warriors fans started yelling "Jennifer" during the game but had no idea I was right behind him. Then proceeded to explain to another fan what this whole Jennifer thing was about:
The Win
As if the day/night couldn't get any better, the game (where I am miraculously in attendance) came down to the final seconds. I KNEW the dubs would pull it out and started going live on Facebook seconds before the final plays. Beside myself is an understatement!
Talk Yo Ish, Jen!
As if I needed another platform to do more trolling *rubs hands*, ESPN gave me a segment to do it!
I'm starting to think maybe I've found my niche....Hide your mentions NBA!
Stay Tuned..
This is good Jen! Stay on your grind and do you! I really enjoyed your perspective and realness!